More than 80 everyday experts – Five workshops on the further development of the “bike city” Salzburg! Each discussion table brought up a specific topic/problem, which had to be covered and discussed by the participating bikers. The SimpliCITY project team worked together with colleagues from the University of Salzburg (Project: Bicycle Observatory) and tried to find answers on the following questions: What gets people on the bike? What can others learn from bikers?
It was a perfect opportunity to test some of the incentivisation methods found in the process of the project. Based on different types of bikers, participants were able to bring in their expertise and opinions. It was based on a role play, where participants had to think in terms of 4 different bikers with individual characteristics, attitudes and preferences and also specific ways to incentivize them.
The gathered information will be collected and edited and will then feed into the SimpliCITY project.