Del. 1.3.Risk Management & Contingency Plan
Authors: Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research; Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research
Del. 1.4.Internal communication platform
Author: Bernhard Schrempf, Salzburg Research
Del. 1.5.Data Management & Ethics Plan
Authors: Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research; Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research; Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular
Del. 2.1Pre-Study – Scientifics framework: Methods and tools for incentivising the use of smart sustainability

Authors: Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research; Bernhard Schrempf, Salzburg Research; Christina Bliem, Salzburg Research; Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research; Salzburg Research; Veronika Hornung-Prähauser
Salzburg Research
Del. 2.2.Mapping of Regional Sustainability Services (RSUS)
Authors: Johan Rubbestad, Uppsala kommun; Bernhard Schrempf, Salzburg Research
Del. 2.3.Guidelines and toolkit for engaging activities (stakeholder dialogues) (+Annex 2 – 5)
Authors: Petra Gruber & Nina Mostegl, SIR
Del. 2.4. and
Del. 8.4.
Methods, pilot platforms and recommendations for active mobility and sustainable lifestyle
Guntram Geser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Bernhard Schrempf, Petra Stabauer and Diana Wieden-Bischof, Salzburg Research
Thomas Layer-Wagner, Irina Paraschivoiu and Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular
Petra Gruber, Gerlinde Kämmerer and Nina Mostegl, SIR
Franz Huemer, City of Salzburg
Johan Rosen and Johan Rubbestad, Uppsala kommun
Linus Jonsson, Sprocket Event
Edith Ngai, University of Uppsala
Del. 3.1.Report on decentralised technology for a green city service platform – Evaluation report on blockchain based platform and service architecture (+Annex)
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Robert Praxmarer, Polycular OG; Birgit Schönauer, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG; Edith Ngai, University of Uppsala und Phan Huy Hung, University of Uppsala
Del. 3.2.Evaluation report on state of the art algorithms for sustainability services Technical report on multi modal tracking and activity mode recognition
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG; Michael Kager, Polycular OG; Birgit Schönauer, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG
Del. 3.3.Sustainability service hackathon report
Authors: Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research; Bernhard Schrempf, Salzburg Research; Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular
Del. 3.4.Platform Backlog and Report – Living document for the platform (UI, UX, software architecture, data models and interfaces) (+Annex)
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG; Michael Kager, Polycular OG; Birgit Schönauer, Polycular OG
Del. 4.1. – Del. 4.3.Platform Developments – Living document (consisting of: Del. 4.1. Platform API and Backend; Del. 4.2. Platform Administration Frontend and Del. 4.3. Platform Clients)
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG; Michael Kager, Polycular OG
Del. 5.1.Self-authoring templates for modules
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG
Del. 5.2.Platform user manual and template guidelines
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG
Del. 5.3.Acquisition Plan, Integration and Content Strategy (+Annex)
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG; Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular OG
Del. 5.4.Service descriptions
Authors: Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular OG; Irina Paraschivoiu, Polycular OG; …
Del. 5.5.(Social) media campaigns and marketing plan
Authors: Nina Mostegl, SIR; Petra Gruber, SIR; Gerlinde Kämmerer, SIR
Del. 6.1.Community and user requirement guidelines for partner and service provider
Authors: Nina Mostegl, SIR; Petra Gruber, SIR
Community engagement plans
Authors: Nina Mostegl, SIR; Petra Gruber, SIR; Gerlinde Kämmerer, SIR
Del. 6.3. – Del. 6.5.Steering groups / clinics with service providers; User workshops and pop-up activities, Pilot demonstration
Authors: Nina Mostegl, SIR; Petra Gruber, SIR; Gerlinde Kämmerer, SIR; Franz Huemer, City of Salzburg
Evaluation Plan
Authors: Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Salzburg Research; Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research; Diana Wieden-Bischof, Salzburg Research; Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research
Evaluation Results
Authors: Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Salzburg Research; Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research; Diana Wieden-Bischof, Salzburg Research; Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research
Del. 7.3.SimpliCITY Policy Recommendations
Authors: Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research; Contributions: Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research; Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Salzburg Research
Del. 7.4.Report for Lessons Learned Workshops
Authors: Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research, AT and consortium
Del. 8.1.Project dissemination and impact plan
Authors: Maria Patterson, Uppsala Kommun; Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research
Del. 8.2.SimpliCITY visual identity package, website and media channels
Author: Bernhard Schrempf, Salzburg Research
Del. 8.3.Scientific papers and presentations at academic or scientific events
Author: Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research
Del. 2.4. and
Del. 8.4.
Methods, pilot platforms and recommendations for active mobility and sustainable lifestyle
Guntram Geser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Bernhard Schrempf, Petra Stabauer and Diana Wieden-Bischof, Salzburg Research
Thomas Layer-Wagner, Irina Paraschivoiu and Christoph Wögerbauer, Polycular
Petra Gruber, Gerlinde Kämmerer and Nina Mostegl, SIR
Franz Huemer, City of Salzburg
Johan Rosen and Johan Rubbestad, Uppsala kommun
Linus Jonsson, Sprocket Event
Edith Ngai, University of Uppsala
Del. 8.5Local / national public events
Del. 8.6Yearly international dissemination presentation or public event
Del. 8.7SimpliCITY platform business model development and exploitation plan
Raphael Saalmann, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Markus Lassnig, Salzburg Research, AT
Thomas Layer-Wagner, Polycular, AT
Johan Rosen, Linus City of Uppsala, SE
Linus Jonsson, Sprocketevent, SE
Edith C. H. Ngai, Uppsala University, SE